
Friday 13 September 2013

Football Hatred - right or wrong?

I hate Liverpool Football Club, I want them to lose every match, I would dance naked down Anfield Road if they ever got relegated. 

Now is there anything wrong with that? 

Personally i don't think there is, I don't wish any harm on them, I just want them to be humiliated on the field, laughed out of the league FOREVER! 

Whenever I voice this opinion I get the usual responses of being a bitter and twisted blue etc etc people try to reason with me about what I would lose if this ever happened. 

They talk about the rivalry and derby atmosphere - to be honest it wouldn't bother me in the slightest, and I wouldn't try to re-direct my hatred towards another team, like Man Utd for example, because I know that if all my dreams came true and Liverpool were banished to the football neverland I would be content, happy even.... 

Over the years I have taken a lot of stick for my view, especially when it comes to family socialising; apparently if my father in law (for example) expresses his appreciation of Liverpool's latest performance I should be able to put my bias to one side for the sake of politeness and family union and happily engage in the pros of playing Gerrard in a deeper midfield role.... 


I would sooner pretend they didn't exist, when I was younger I use to pray for Everton to win the league and if God had time and could manage it to also relegate Liverpool. 

Over the years sadly Everton have been more involved in relegation battles than our neighbours, and throughout that time a fair few Liverpool fans wanted Everton to survive and wished us well.... 


To all those people in my past who did just that I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR YOUR FOOTBALLING VIEWS! 

BE as bitter and twisted as me, LOVE your club more than anything else, DONT admire other teams, DONT pay compliments to your neighbours and DONT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES HAVE A RIVAL PLAYER IN YOUR FANTASY TEAM - IT'S JUST WRONG 

There are many things that bring clubs together off the field of play and Liverpool and Everton know that more than most - I am proud of how we have stood together over the years. 

But that shouldn't stop me from wanting them relegated, should it?? 

Ultimately does this viewpoint make life settled and happy? Well in a word no...It makes me bitter and twisted but I wouldn't have it any other way, because that's what makes me passionate and that is the root of this game of ours, cheering for our HEROES. giving the chosen few legend status.

So over to you lot, Am I right? do you hate your local rivals as much as me? 

Is there someone out there that roots for both teams? 

Drop me a comment and let me know

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